Strategic Vision and School development
At Invested Education we believe it is imperative to have a clear, long term school vision that outlines what we believe is important and gives clarity and focus to whole school long term improvement for our whole school community.
The 4 main aims and beliefs of our whole school strategic vision development plan are:
Investing in the child
Investing in Excellence
Investing in Staff
Investing in Futures
These four areas are all underpinned by the four key areas of the Ofsted framework:
Quality of Education
Behaviour and Attitudes
Personal Development
Leadership and Management
We are committed to the creation of a teaching and learning environment where the learning, social and personal needs of young people are adequately addressed. We aim to empower children to achieve in an atmosphere of safety and mutual respect. By removing barriers to learning that have been entrenched in former educational settings, we work to support transfers back to mainstream school, further education or the world of work. Everyone is expected to behave in a reasonable way, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and to encourage others to do the same. We believe in developing and nurturing the ‘whole’ child and we aim to develop the social, emotional, behavioural and academic needs of each student who attends to allow them to have a successful future.
We aim for all learners who attend our school to receive a broad, balanced and personalised curriculum that enables them to make rapid and sustained progress and to make a positive transition to their next stage of education, training or employment.
We believe in giving all pupils a fresh start and our fundamental aim is always to provide our learners with the opportunities to return to education. We will ensure that we provide all of our pupils with the equality of opportunity which their mainstream peers are entitled to.