Our Approach and Beliefs

Invested Education seeks to provide a personalised educational experience that identifies and responds to the circumstances and needs of each individual young person. In doing so, we believe we will enable every individual to fulfil their potential and become successful.

We believe that the most effective teaching and learning takes place in a well-managed environment: one that is calm, happy and safe for the whole school community. Our ethos is founded on ‘mutual respect and responsible behaviour’.

Our Expectations

We believe all our students deserve to achieve their full potential.  We encourage success by having high expectations.  Students are encouraged to follow the rule of the “Three R’s”and be:

Ready – To learn

Respectful – Of staff, students and the school environment

Responsible – by holding themselves and others to account.

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention

Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) for Schools

At Invested Education, all staff are trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention and we have an inhouse instructor to deliver the training and refreshers and lead on this area. TCI gives the knowledge, practical skills and confidence to help our children in times of emotional distress through crisis prevention and de-escalation. Having a therapeutic approach means our staff can help our students develop key coping strategies that will help throughout their life. Having a therapeutic staff team, and supportive organisation, means that students from all walks of life will be supported following plans specifically designed for them.

TCI helps schools to:

  • Create a trauma-sensitive environment where students and adults are safe and feel safe

  • Pro-actively prevent and/or deescalate potential crisis situations with students

  • Manage a crisis situation in a therapeutic manner, and, if necessary, intervene physically in a manner that reduces the risk of harm to students and staff

  • Process the crisis event with students to help improve their coping strategies

Please visit the TCI website to find out further detail and information:  https://rccp.cornell.edu/TCI_LevelOne.html

If you would like to find out more about how we use the TCI approach at Invested Education, please contact school and speak with our TCI Lead.

Our Rewards

At Invested education, we understand rewards are key to making students feel valued and ensuring that their efforts are celebrated. Recognising their achievements and celebrating progress helps to motivate students and encourage them to continually demonstrate positive behaviours. 

Students are able to earn “Invested Rewards” during the school day for numerous reasons. Invested Rewards can be received for:

Arriving at school on time

Handing in their mobile telephone 

Random acts of kindness

Showing progress 

Going above and beyond 

Helping staff

Promoting positive behaviour

Students are also able to earn up to 3 Invested Rewards per lesson, these are for following the “Three R’s” and being:




Each Invested Reward token equals one point. Students can cash in their tokens for a voucher, agreed by staff. 

100 tokens = £10 vouchers 

200 tokens = £20 vouchers

300 tokens = £30 vouchers 

400 tokens = £40 vouchers

500 tokens = £50 vouchers


Positive behaviour can also be rewarded with:


Verbal praise

Postcards/phone calls home to parents/carers

Displaying work on the Invested Wow wall.

Awards and certificates

Work being shared on school social media

Our Consequences

At Invested Education we aim to resolve a student’s presenting issues by using a range of behavioural management techniques before it requires the need for sanctions as we understand many of our students have a range of SEMH needs, have faced trauma, or have ACE’s. However, we also believe that sometimes sanctions are needed to ensure students are held accountable for their actions. 

The sanctions used at Invested are used to resolve rather than escalate a situation and may include: 

A verbal reprimand 

Sending student out of class

Removal of privileges 

Letters/phone calls home

Loss of break or lunchtime 

Afterschool detention

More serious incidents may result in:

A change in the school day

(change of classroom, change of timetable, reduced timetable) 


Permanent Exclusion