Health & Social Care

Health and Social Care BTEC tech award is a career focused qualification that allows students to ground their learning in the real world of work. The award offers students an insight into real lives by using their own experiences as case studies. The course is skills based and is designed around practical components which allows students to develop and apply their knowledge of the different industries within Health and Social Care and apply skills that employers, colleges and universities are looking for. The course also allows students to develop as empathetic young adults with strong communication and independent learning skills.
Students need a mature outlook as they are required to undertake in-depth research through one-one interviews. Students will then produce written reports based on their research’s findings and be involved in performances to demonstrate their skills and knowledge of the industry.
Students will gain practical skills and knowledge allowing them to progress into the world of work or onto FE and HE in one of the various courses linked to a career in the Health and Social Care Industry. Students will also develop key skills of empathy, communication, and independent learning.
Careers/Post 16 links:
- Level 3 Health and Social Care
- A Level in Psychology, Biology or Sociology
- Apprenticeships in adult care; health and social care; health care assistant; maternity and paediatric support
- HE degree in aspects of health or social care; early years; education